UAE government calls for caution when sending Eidiyas electronically

Asma Ahmed - | UAE

The Cybersecurity Council of the UAE Government has issued a cautionary message urging citizens to exercise prudence while sending Eidiyas (traditional monetary gifts) and donations via digital platforms, citing a rising tide of online threats.

Emphasizing the critical need for awareness and heightened vigilance against cyber perils, the council has underscored several key measures to mitigate risks in this digital landscape.

Firstly, the council advocates for the adoption of secure digital channels when disbursing Eidiyas to recipients. This entails leveraging secure electronic payment mechanisms to facilitate the transfer of funds safely and securely. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of verifying the authenticity of emails before initiating any transactions or engaging with links provided by unfamiliar sources. This proactive approach can help thwart potential phishing attempts or malicious activities aimed at exploiting unsuspecting individuals.

Furthermore, the council underscores the significance of ensuring that donation platforms are duly licensed and compliant with regulatory standards. To safeguard against fraudulent schemes or unauthorized solicitations, it advises individuals to direct their contributions through official websites or reputable payment platforms recognized for their stringent security protocols. By adhering to these guidelines, donors can safeguard their financial transactions and contribute to legitimate causes with confidence.

The UAE Government's Cybersecurity Council advocates for a multifaceted approach to bolstering cybersecurity resilience in the realm of digital transactions. Through heightened awareness, prudent practices, and adherence to established protocols, individuals can navigate the digital landscape with greater confidence and resilience against emerging cyber threats. As the digital ecosystem continues to evolve, proactive measures and collaborative efforts are indispensable in safeguarding against cyber vulnerabilities and preserving the integrity of online transactions.

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Asma Ahmed
Asma Ahmed
1499 Total posts

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